Thanksgiving is my kind of holiday. It’s the one day each year we are entitled – expected, even – to revel in food, football, more food, and more football without judgment. I’m amazed that we’re almost at the end of another fantastic year. Throughout the year, it is easy to be distracted by all the noise in our lives. As I approach the holiday season, it’s important to take a step back to reflect and acknowledge the incredible blessings in my life and the people who brighten my life during the other 364 days. I want to take a moment to share a few things I am thankful for this year. 1. You, my friend! I want to take a moment to thank you for trusting me and my team to guide you in your financial life. It’s always our pleasure to serve as your wealth advisory team. I truly appreciate the genuine relationship we share and always look forward to seeing and talking with you. Our team deeply cares about your family. We strive to minimize the stress and details that often accompany financial decisions so that you can focus on all the good in your life. We love celebrating with you as you reach financial and personal milestones and become empowered to take control of your financial life. 2. The close bonds I have with my family and close friends. As you may be able to tell, family is everything to me. They are the absolute center of my universe. When I’m not at work, I love spending as much time as possible with my family and close friends. I am very blessed to have such close bonds with good people. I look forward to many more years of good conversations, laughs, and love. 3. The good health and happiness of my wife and children. When I think of some of the tragic stories on the news, I feel incredibly blessed knowing that my wife and children are healthy and safe. 4. The knowledge and expertise of my BWM team. Our clients trust us with their lifetime savings, and this isn’t something I take lightly. It’s a huge responsibility and I am honored that clients trust that we are knowledgeable, honest and will put their needs first. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I am privileged to work with such an incredible team. All of our team members are passionate about taking a very hands-on approach to serving your family. Each year our team continues to expand on our knowledge and I think our clients greatly benefit from this experience. 5. The many close relationships I share with my clients’ professional alliances. I love that I have the opportunity to help clients organize their financial life. I greatly value that they trust me to collaborate with the other professionals in their lives, such as their accountant or attorney, in order to integrate their many financial strategies. 6. My team’s ability to give back and be involved with our community. It has always been ingrained in our firm’s culture to serve others, and our commitment to service extends into our communities. Like previous years, this year our team has had the opportunity to volunteer and donate to various youth and nonprofit groups along with many foundations. I am thankful to be in a fortunate position where I can give back to those in need. What are you most thankful for? What successes and blessings has this past year brought for you? We’d love to hear your stories. You can send email me or call (304) 626-3900. I Hope You and Your Family Celebrate an Amazing Thanksgiving Holiday! Warmest Wishes,