Retirement & Investment Advisory

Investment Portfolio Management

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Ut efficitur dui velit, eu placerat nibh sodales in. Aliquam et tortor efficitur arcu varius eleifend. Donec quis sagittis lectus. Quisque et ipsum metus. Nam urna sem, malesuada sed erat quis, consectetur fermentum lacus. Nullam vehicula urna leo, vel dictum mauris blandit vel. Vivamus rutrum neque augue, sed sollicitudin ex facilisis sed. Nam et libero dictum odio luctus egestas. Nulla vel arcu rhoncus, posuere erat non, sollicitudin tellus. Donec a massa non mi rhoncus pulvinar vel vitae odio. Pellentesque non porttitor tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque id magna diam. Sed vel placerat lacus. Maecenas placerat arcu eros, vitae blandit nisi pulvinar tincidunt.

How Our Process Works

We’ve been successfully helping folks like you for a long time…just under 30 years to be exact.  Throughout this time, we’ve perfected our process to give our clients the guidance they need to find confidence and clarity with their investments.  

It’s called the BWM Retirement Redzone Advisory Process.  Here’s how it works at the 50,000 ft level.


STEP 1: In our discovery session, we will establish an exact understanding of what you want to accomplish, where you are now and your feelings toward money.


STEP 2: Using our proven process and systems, we analyze to simplify and organize your entire financial situation so you can finally see everything in one place. It's streamlined, optimized and organized like never before. We believe you'll have more financial confidence knowing you're on top of everything.


STEP 3: You've made the sacrifices you've made and worked as hard as you've worked for a reason. This is where the strategy recommendations come together to accomplish the goals you have and have the impact you've dreamed of.


STEP 4: As life unfolds, we will work hard to continue elevating the quality of your life. We will always remain highly engaged with you to maintain a current understanding of your family dynamics and financial needs. We will constantly be reviewing your strategy’s progress relative to what you want to accomplish. We will adjust your strategy as your life evolves.



​5 Costly Mistakes Retirees Make

​(and how to avoid them)

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